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NIH Awards $1.5M SBIR Phase II Grant to Build PicoSep System to Analyze Nucleic Acid Sample Quality
Nanobind DNA Extraction Featured on Back Cover of Advanced Materials
High Molecular Weight DNA Extraction from Recalcitrant Plant Species for Third Generation Sequencing
Circulomics Publishes New Technology for DNA Concentration
Circulomics Awarded $1.7M in SBIR Grants to Develop Nanobind Methods for FFPE and NGS Sample Prepara
Journal Article Details the Use of Ligo-miR EZ for Quantifying miRNA Copy Number
Circulomics Joins Harbor Launch at IMET
"Other states are using Maryland as a farm team for their biotech clusters."
The Circulomics Trademark Has Officially Been Registered!
PicoSep Can Be Used to Determine Single Molecule DNA Conformation